These are primarily older photos that I don't have the heart to take down. You can get back to new photos here.
This was how I spend my weekends. We needed a trellis for the jasmine
in the garden and had lots of old vines and sticks laying around from our recent
pruning fit, so this seemed like a natural. It turned out so pretty, we may not end
up using it for the jasmine. There is also a full-length, slightly artier photo of
it here.
This is the entirety of the immediate Humphrey family. It was taken last summer
at my cousin Ginger's wedding. We finally have everyone on that side of the family on e-mail, which makes keeping in contact much easier.
This is my Grandmother and Grandfather on my Dad's side. Grandpa died in September of 1996 (the end of my first year at the University of Houston at Clear Lake). Grandma died the summer of 1998, the day that Rob and I arrived in
Charlotte. Grandpa was fastidious about his yard, his garden, and just about anything
he did with his hands. I recall going to many antique stores with him and then him
refinishing the pieces in his barn. Grandma was an amazing cook and seamstress. I
early remember going to the drug store where she worked and hanging out. I learned
to make angel biscuits from her, as she did from her mother, and am the one in the
family who continues to do so.
My Grandmother on the Humphrey side. This is in her new apartment in Wilmington. She plays all the card games and scrabble and started me doing the crossword puzzles (I have one in my bag while I write this).
This is my Grandfather on my Mom's side. It's his apartment too. He was who took me fishing and frog gigging when I was a kid and humored my outdoor whims. His farm in Reidsville has this wonderful grotto down next to a creek. It was one of my favorite places as a kid. He was also a watchmaker and jeweler and I think is probably responsible for the fact that not only do I always wear a watch, but also have 4 clocks in my office.
This is the vast majority of the immediate Humphrey family. It was taken at
Thanksgiving on Lake Tillory. Missing are my cousin Brian, his guest, my uncle Ron
(Becky's husband), and Rob.
This is the Humphrey homestead on one of the last visits there. Grandma and
Grandpa now live in Wilmington near my parents.
This is my nephew, Nat, who was obviously an indian this past Halloween.
This is my niece, Alli, smiling sweetly for the camera.
This is the rest of my nephew, Nat, still in his indian costume for Halloween.
This is Rob and I at a wedding several years ago in Northern California.
We still look roughly like this, although rarely this cleaned up.
This is me conducting the Gay Men's Chorus of Houston several concerts ago.
In case you're wondering about my mouth--I'm singing, not doing a fish impersonation.