I've just added a number more and hope to continue to do so.
This is Scarlet. The newest addition to our family. She is of indeterminate origin and a rescue dog. She is a sweetheart and has yet to meet either a person or a dog that she doesn't love.
This gives an idea of kind of how Scarlet is built. She is much squatter than Piper, our other dog. Her amber eyes make her look startled or like she is on speed most of the time.
This is Scarlet and Piper standing next to each other. Scarlet is about twice as heavy as Piper, but only about two inches taller.
Here we see the dog pack in the wild. This one looks like one of the diaramas at the Museum of Natural History in DC. I hesitate to post it, since it makes Scarlet look kind of wild, but she isn't actually. She and Piper wrestle pretty roughly, but keep coming back for more. Rob and I are trying to socialize both dogs to human and dog societies, so we don't discourage this kind of play unless they are close to us.
All of the Humphrey family got together earlier this year to celebrate my grandparents' 60th anniversary.
My nephew Nat with too much dog to handle. In his arms is Piper, our dog, and at his feet is Gus, our next door neighbors' dog.
This is our dog, Piper. It's kind of hard to tell from this picture, but she's a small dog, only about 15 lbs. We aren't certain what kind of dog she is, since rescue dogs rarely come with papers, but think she is probably mostly rat terrier. I think she may have either some beagle or feist in her as well. She's our first child-surrogate, so there are quite a few pictures of her. I've spared you all but a few.
This is a recent photo of Rob and Piper in our next door neighbors' backyard. Rob isn't really sad, he's just trying to copy Piper's customary hound dog eyes.
Piper lounging on Rob's head.
This is the immediate family (except Grandma, who wasn't feeling well enough to visit) in our backyard.
This is a photo of Rob in our old backyard.
This is Rob, Alli, and Nat at my sister's old house. Don't be fooled by the poise.
This is the same trio a few minutes later.